Monday, 15 August 2016

Sexuality, Entropic Warfare and Unbalanced 20th Century Science

In 1957 the New York University Library of Scientific Thought published a book entitled, Theories of the Universe: From Babylonian Myth to Modern Science. The book explained how, over thousands of years, non-technical writings about cosmology were associated with mythological mathematics and political power. Priests using cosmological mathematics to calculate an eclipse could become politically influential. Greek scholars built political structures from how the ancient gods dealt with humans at Olympus, and Babylonian kings designed ancient forms of governmental policies of conquest, based upon the councils of the god Marduk.
The New York Scientific Library book mentions how, during the 20th Century, the mathematician, Albert Einstein, extended Babylonian mathematical mythology in deriving his 1917 theory of relativity and its observer participancy theory of creation. Independent of the book’s philosophical world-view, we know for certain that Lord Bertrand Russell had a very deep involvement with Babylonian mythological-mathematics. He used this to advocate the worship of what Einstein defined as the ‘Premier Law of all of the Sciences’. Russell’s most famous essay, entitled 'A Freeman’s Worship’, was about how we must live in despair about there being any substance within any of our most ennobling hopes for the future. According to Russell and Einstein, this is because these higher aspirations will eventually be totally destroyed within a universe in thermodynamic ruin, in accordance with the functioning of the universal law of chaos energy.
This particular article refers to ancient Egyptian mythological mathematics associated with the worship of the ancient Egyptian Goddess, Maat. This Goddess was held to prevent the universe from reverting to a state of chaos, which is about a science in complete defiance of Einstein’s world-view. Although Einstein was correct about the physical functioning of the cosmos he dismissed the energies associated with the evolution of emotion. Nanotechnology has provided photographic evidence that within the molecule of emotion, Einstein’s energies of quantum mechanical chaos actually entangle with the energies of quantum biology, demonstrating that his great genius was unbalanced for dismissing the existence of biological information energy. The point to be made is that the logic of nanotech complex dynamical energy systems as well as the Egyptian mathematics of life, both extended a fractal logic to infinity, instead of the extinction that Einstein’s world-view insists must occur. This more inspiring energy scenario is compatible to the workings of the infinite holographic universe of Einstein’s close colleague, David Bohm.
Harvard University’s Novartis Professor, Amy Edmondson, in her biography of the engineer Buckminster Fuller, wrote that Fuller derived his balanced synergistic universe from the mathematics of the philosopher Plato, who in turn had developed it from the ancient Egyptian theories belonging to the worship of Maat. Plato warned that developing cosmology by assuming that the eye was responsible for creative knowledge would only lead to the emergence of the destructive evil of unformed matter within the atom. Einstein’s E=Mc squared is the mathematical equation basic to thermonuclear destruction and Einstein’s insistence that the eye is the key to creative participation within the universe, equates to a worship of the ancient Egyptian and Greek gods of Chaos. The religious ethos of the Church is based upon Platonic love. But the Church has no comprehension of Plato’s mathematical atomistic explanation of it. St Augustine banished the atomistic mathematical functioning of Platonic love as the work of the Devil, because he thought, incorrectly, that it belonged to the worship of the Babylonian Goddess of prostitution and war, Ishtar.
After a period of two hundred years of the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy fusing ethics into Anaxagoras’s theory of creation, its mathematical structure became altered to become a fractal dynamical expression linking the function of Plato’s atoms of the soul, to infinity. This was the act of observer participancy that Einstein could not grasp because he thought, like Leonardo da Vinci, Rene Descartes and Sir Francis Bacon before him, that all knowledge had to come from visual perception, such as looking down a powerful microscope to look at subatomic particles.

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